Wednesday, November 23, 2005

and now, stolen from my 'sister'

what is an inside joke with #7?: "julie knows…hehe you know, don’t you ?"...not really a joke, but oh well.
what about #22?: waddle pat waddle pat…heeheehee
would you go out with #12?: i wouldn’t go out with him…sleep with him being a totally different question, of course.
whats one word that describes #5: marvelous! aaw...does it have to be just one word?
would #4 look good with #25?: no !!!! plus i might die.
would u go out with #19?: nope, she’s straight.. .although…
when is #11's birthday?: july 4th !
would you make out with #28?: ummm…definitely
are #3 and #29 BEST friends?: no, though they know each other
have you ever liked #21?: definitely
have you ever liked #13: LOL yes
have you ever liked #6?: no, but i love her as a friend
can you tell #17 anything?: definitely not. especially cause she now avoids me.
how mucuh do you love #4?: far too much
how do you know #20?: umm…how did we meet ?? oh, work in haffner maybe…or parties. In any case, study groups came shortly after : )
would you make out with #30?: ugh. Been there, done that…no
how'd you meet #18?: once upon a time...i accidentally kissed her. well technically i knew her from the thursday dinner shift but...yes.
what word comes to your mind when you hear #23's name?: genius
have you ever had a crush on #27?: haven’t known her long enough, though she’s certainly cute
what about #2?: lol, well that’s debateable. I love her lots.
do you think #10 is hot?: she’s beautiful
whats one word that describes #15?: charming
what do you think #9 will be when he/she grows up?: a fucking fabulously beautiful and intelligent philosopher
give me one random fact about #16.: i became a sketchy upperclasswoman because of her !
and #8.: she really loves leprechauns
and what about #1?: he is an asshole
...and #26?: she lived with an ex of mine
what song does #14 relate to?: jaded by aerosmith…ha !
what movie could #24 be in?: something involving shakespeare
what famous person does/should #7 meet?: gael garcia bernal
what do you think of #10?: i love her, and i am so glad we’ve kept in contact so long. She is one of the best people i know.
would you make out with #1?: already have, innumerable times.
what about #17?: already have.. .and i would totally do it again! (if she weren't avoiding me...)
whats an inside joke with #11?: flem and death !
what about #12?: blue satin ? lol…
and #13?: *slap* ‘oops, sorry was that too hard ??’
have you ever liked #8?: no, although we are married our relationship is perfectly platonic. And it’s great that way.
what about #20?: in a cute fluttery way for a bit, yes
would #29 make a good couple with #16?: no way
what about #23 and #5?: lol no !!
whats a random fact about #6?: i have walked in on her kissing someone
what about #21: she writes amazing stories
and...#18?: she has a ton of mice
how'd you meet #28?: highschool
have you ever gone out with #9?: lol…sort of
what about #30?: ugh, sadly yes
ever had a crush on #5?: a teensy bit
or #25?: yes
has #4 ever liked you?: you know what ? i have no fucking clue…i mean, one would imagine…and hope. but probably not after all.
what about #19?: i don’t think so !
one word about #27.: smart !!
do you knwo anyone who likes #24?: haha…well i know someone who did like her…
is #3 your friend? why?: of course. actually, we're sisters. I love her to death, obviously. we are friends because she appreciates my weird faces and likes to explicate sonnets in a cockney accent at the dinner table. and also because if we weren't mama might kill us.
where do you see #26 in 20 years?: breaking hearts ! and being an activist.
what about #22?: she’s going to be doing something huge for the world…seriously.
would you make out with #2?: hehe i plan on it
have you ever made out with #14?: i’m trying to think of a tactful way to say 'more than i'd like to admit'…
what # can you most see youself with?: i would like to think # 4…
What # should #11 go out with next?: # 15 ! cute !!

alex, i miss you...and i read your blog a lot...and steal from it.



ps. if you can find yourself i'll give you a cookie. well, an e-cookie


Blogger neongolden said...

ok, i know who i am. but i'm really curious about #15.

am sending you an email with new AIM.

11:04 PM  

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