Sunday, April 02, 2006


my kitten got hit by a car this afternoon. he was running across the street and our neighbor hit him because he didn't see him--he is grey and street-colored. this is my fourth cat to die this year...when i left for france we had eight, now we have four.
sherlock and watson (his brother, who is still alive) were a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend's kittens, and they've gone from 4 pounds to 20 in the year and a half we've had them. we call them the elephants, because they like to galumph around and around. sherlock was particularly fond of throwing himself against the wall in persuit of a little laser-pointer beam thing, and of rolling around affectionately on our beds. he also liked to stick his paws under the bathroom door when someone was in there and mew to be let in.
i want to go home and pretend the rest of the world does not exist...and then pretend that some more. :(


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