it is june and i am still pale
but that's ok because i have been spending lots of time in the darkroom developing things. i am going to develop two more rolls of film today and i've already done two and a whole bunch of prints. yay!
mama cut my hair this morning because it was getting unreasonably long. it doesn't look all that different, but it feels a whole lot better without all that extra stuff on my neck.
tomorrow i am going to nyc to see co-dork, and saturday i am i think going to the beach with emily, who i haven't seen since december 2004!! so those will be fun.
also, tomorrow i get paid, which is nice--and then starting sunday i will be working long shifts nearly every day for a week. i don't understand why this week i have 16 hours and next week i have 32.5, but oh well. sometimes it works that way, i guess. target is a good job because the pay is reasonable and the hours are flexible, but it is incredibly mind-numbing. i spend most of the rest of my time reading, just to rebuild my braincells after six hours of sorting/folding/hanging-up clothes and answering phones.
anyway, i haven't really been doing much of anything--i should be cleaning my room right now, but i am usual. oh! but i got cast in "Pinafore," which you should all come see. it is somewhere around the end of october or the beginning of november. i am cousin hebe, and i get to say ridiculous things like "crrrrushed!" and "crrrrrrrrrushed again!" with long rolls on the "r"s, of course. and i get to be snooty and british and it is very exciting. my dad is dick deadeye, and from the name you can imagine the part--it involves much scowling and grumbling and is absolutely hilarious.
anyway, going to go eat something and not get distracted by the internet anymore.
i love and miss you all!!
mama cut my hair this morning because it was getting unreasonably long. it doesn't look all that different, but it feels a whole lot better without all that extra stuff on my neck.
tomorrow i am going to nyc to see co-dork, and saturday i am i think going to the beach with emily, who i haven't seen since december 2004!! so those will be fun.
also, tomorrow i get paid, which is nice--and then starting sunday i will be working long shifts nearly every day for a week. i don't understand why this week i have 16 hours and next week i have 32.5, but oh well. sometimes it works that way, i guess. target is a good job because the pay is reasonable and the hours are flexible, but it is incredibly mind-numbing. i spend most of the rest of my time reading, just to rebuild my braincells after six hours of sorting/folding/hanging-up clothes and answering phones.
anyway, i haven't really been doing much of anything--i should be cleaning my room right now, but i am usual. oh! but i got cast in "Pinafore," which you should all come see. it is somewhere around the end of october or the beginning of november. i am cousin hebe, and i get to say ridiculous things like "crrrrushed!" and "crrrrrrrrrushed again!" with long rolls on the "r"s, of course. and i get to be snooty and british and it is very exciting. my dad is dick deadeye, and from the name you can imagine the part--it involves much scowling and grumbling and is absolutely hilarious.
anyway, going to go eat something and not get distracted by the internet anymore.
i love and miss you all!!
yay for an update. and double yay for being in a show. When is it going to be playing?
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