Monday, November 28, 2005

hier encore, j'avais viiiiiingt ans...

jc and c keep singing that to silly peoples.

i've GOT to clean this room. it is insupportable and gross. so evil. and i keep missing adri's calls. sadness.

on the plus side, i talked to my silly otter today--she had to work though. i'm so excited to go back and be insane with her in nyc. and then after that to go back to bmc and be in the 'paradise city' as i once referred to it during my froshling year...we shall see where this leads.

i am very good at creating situations in my head, and at moulding them the way i want to fit my wishes/dreams/twisted thoughts...most of the situations in my life are complete fabrications when i look back at them. well, ok, no. i lie. but the situations this year have been. at home it's a different story...

anyway, as i avoid cleaning my room i will probably post sporadically. and my posts will get more and more nonsensical...oh dear. c'est bien parti.


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