Tuesday, December 20, 2005


well, success!!
after an hour and a half explaining that the postal system did, indeed, have what i was asking for (the bookstore post--just for les livres et les papiers) the woman finally came through with a postal sack for me to put my three boxes in, and i tied them up...then there was the issue of the price--online, i had read that it'd be 4.30 € the kilo, which, while expensive, is do-able. but the woman told me it was 10€ for the first 5 kilos and 2.15€ for the additional kilos. i, calculating this in my head (after some discussion), came up with a price in the 90€ range, considering i had 17.8 kilos. but in fact, i had understood wrong and it wasn't ten euros per kilo for the first five, it was just ten euros total for the first five and then 2 something for the additional ones.

wow, i'm boring even myself to tears. sorry.

so i ended up paying 36 € to send 17 kilos of books home...i have won!!

anyway, here is my done is good list, since i need to get back in the bmc spirit:
( ) buy tor some stripey tights
(x) find mama and papa some french stuff
( ) find french stuff for frank and peggy
( ) find french stuff for nikki and noni
( ) buy camembert
( ) smuggle camembert back to the states in my enormous suitcase
(x) find presents for the kids
( ) vacuum seriously my room
(x) eat leftover chocolate cake
( ) print out ticket info
( ) save some money for ireland
( ) fit the dirty stuff i don't have time to wash into plastic bags, then into my suitcase
( ) write cards for everyone
( ) buy mi-cho-co for tor



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