Wednesday, December 14, 2005

i do my research

(at least when something is totally irrelevant...)

in norse mythology, amber is said to be formed by the tears of freyja falling into the sea.

why this is cool:
-she is associated with the moon and the sea (her father is the sea god)
-she wears a necklace made of 'Brisingamen' (fire gem), and she slept with four dwarves to get it. it is so bright that it makes constellations at night
-she is the goddess of sex and love
-she is one of the valkyrie
-she and odin divide the heroic dead between them after a battle
-orion's belt used to be called 'freyja's girdle'
-she can turn into a falcon
-friday is named after her (and i was born on a friday)
-she rides around the sky in a chariot pulled by grey cats (or that's what i read about in my baby norse mythology book a long time ago, it seems...i can't find any back up for that information though)
-i am theoretically descended from her (the viking kings believed they were descended from the gods and goddesses)

and all this is cool (to me) because...?

i wear a lot of amber. i have received two amber rings, an amber necklace, and amber earrings in the last 3 months, as means something, i'm convinced. or thinking it does makes me happy, so i'll keep doing it.

i am a huuuuuge dork.

going to do laundry now.


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