Thursday, December 01, 2005

yay 2

for once i've written back to someone i hadn't talked to in about a million years, and maybe we'll get back in contact now!!!! soooooo exciting. actually, more than one person. one of them is my friend that i met when i was about 4--not dante, we're still in (relatively) good contact, but another one. we've been friends for so long, but we fell out of contact before my first kiss...and for those of you who don't know, that was 8 years ago...yikes.
only 21 days till i'm back at home, and 45 till it's getting closer and closer i'm realizing more and more how fucked i am in terms of valises...there is SO MUCH shit in my room i have no clue as to how it is going to get home...eeeeee, so screwed. and still so broke. i need to stop buying fun swedish lesbian films and start sending boxes of crap home. but that is so not fun.
much love to all, and thanks for the bday wishes...i had a wonderful day!


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