Monday, January 16, 2006


i am officially a mawrter again. it is so exciting to see everyone. mostly everyone, cause there are always those evil ones who've gone and graduated on me...
denbigh 221 is in the process of being set up--those who visited in 04 should know that mer and i switched sides--i'm in the corner one now. there's a sheep on the door, thanks to la princesse!
i have a meal plan, classes, extra-curriculars, and homework. i'm a real person again!!



Blogger wordperson said...

Hi, darling,

It's good to hear that you are once again real, though you never seemed imaginary to me! Imaginative, surely.

Can you explain your interesting name? I know klaxonne, but not the beginning part.


5:31 PM  
Blogger neongolden said...

yay! congratulations!

sad i can't come visit. miss you immensely.

12:21 AM  

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