Monday, August 07, 2006


loooooooooong time no update!

so i have become less of an internet junky since i've been home...instead of spending 6-7 hours a day in some way plugged into a computer as i did at school (mostly screwing around, but sometimes working), now i tend to go half a week without checking my email or reading people's blogs or even looking at facebook! it's crazy, especially since we have wireless and i could be connected all the time...but i find that when i do get online, i wind up spending three hours doing nothing when i could be reading/playing/sleeping/tanning(burningahem)/talking to my family/rehearsing for my show. so yes.

also, this summer has been busier than other summers, in a good way. working at target is not the best thing in the entire world, but two things have come of it: 1. i have made a fair amount of money (most of which i just spent on plane tickets to go see my brother and his wife and kids in florida), and 2. i have met this guy...i'll get into that in a minute.

so we got a new kitten! i know i said that earlier in a post, but he has really gotten his personality now, and is becoming part of the household. his name is kuri (japanese for chestnut), but i like to call him fizzgig. it fits. he also kind of looks like a mackerel, with his grey stripey flanks and spotted stomach, so sometimes he is mack. he has recently taken to wrestling with watson, and if you've ever met watson you can imagine what that looks like. watson is 25 pounds and kuri is approximately 4 pounds. it is hilarious. anyway, that is a funthing this summer.

another funthing is that i am the "official" (and by that i mean my cousin asked me to be) DJ at my cousin's wedding on saturday. i get to make mixes, change cds, play around and do lots of silly things. also, i get to wear my fun new dress that looks like it is a relic from the 70s. it is a halterdress with bright orange and brown and red and white fire-worky things on it. it sounds hideous, and it probably is, but for some reason it looks kind of cool on me.

and this brings me to the last funthing, which is possibly the most exciting one (for me) and the weirdest one (for me but also for any mawrters who know me). so this guy i work with asked me out...and i said yes, because he was cute (though short) and i was bored and i figured it would be fun. and that was in june. and it turns out it was fun, because we are apparently together still. i say apparently only because we have not, strictly speaking, had "the talk" about our relationship. but it is going well. and he just met my parents and they really like each other, so clearly he is insane enough for me to date. and i mean insane in the most loving of ways, of course.

so yes, this is my life at the moment. soon i will leave for florida to visit the nephews and niece, and then i will start school at southern on september 5th. and hopefully my chemistry class will not make me blow my brains out despite my current (delightfully high) levels of contentment.

things are going really well....sometimes i just sit around smiling, which is lovely. i miss everyone, but it is a missing with the knowledge that i will see them again sometime, and that there are not the 3000 miles between us that there were last year. except between me and adri :(...but i am thinking of visiting her for thanksgiving!

anyway, this is long and boring and i don't even know how many people read this, but it was kind of satisfying for me to write, so even if everyone who reads my blog knows all this already it doesn't matter. i hope all is well, and much love!!


Blogger Narg said...

oh my goodness! an update?!

i am Shocked.

with a capital S no less.

10:55 PM  
Blogger neongolden said...

not boring at all. that was a delightful update! glad to hear things are going well with the booooooooooooy (that was said in my best third-grade voice).

i have an update for you as well, but, uh, it sorta has to wait a few more days... meaning you will probably be in florida by the time i get around to calling/emailing.

i love you and miss you immensely.

2:19 PM  

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