What is your name?: jules
How old are you in dog years?: umm...i am 140 in cat years, that's gotta count for something
Eye color?: blue or grey (or green if you want to listen to axel)
Ear color?: purple. and pointy. can't you see?
Hair color?: red
Do you even have hair?: oops, no, you got me!
Do you have a moustache?: only when i'm beside myself
Do you wish you had a moustache?: you think i like being beside myself?
What are you wearing?: clothes, sucker
What color underwear are you wearing?: burgundy
Are you lying?: as usual
Does your head itch?: not until you asked that
How about now? Does it itch now that I said something?: you suck
What is your favorite type of cheese product?: camembert...and can we talk about how disturbed i am at the phrase 'cheese product'? call me a snob, but...
Why?: because it's stinky and delicious and terrible pour la santé and nobody will confiscate it at customs
What is your favorite song?: at the moment, don't die in me by mirah
Why is that your favorite song?: because someone i like gave it to me and it is a fabulous song
Do you have a middle name?: two, in fact
What is your middle name?: laura and southworth
What do you wish your name was?: razel froorting hutchinson III
What would you name a pet iguana if i gave it to you right now?: penelope
What is your favorite food?: cream. in all forms.
Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?: i participate in it regularly! of course i believe in it, you doubting thomas.
Where would you like to be right now?: at home at the piano
Who is your favorite musical artist?: bach
Do you get chronic heartburn?: heartburn? i've never really gotten why it's called heartburn...don't you think heartburn would be a more appropriate name for, say, the feeling you get when dumped? then yes.
Have you seen predator?: yes....ew to arnold
Do you know any good Arnold lines?: why do you read my mind, sicko?
Oh really? Well, let's hear them then.: no.
Hmm. I have better. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: nope
Have you ever seen Karate Kid?: nope, thank goodness
Do you have any favorite movie quotes?: many.
Do you know what a donkey punch is?: i'm pretty sure
Yeah I bet. Do you enjoy Ramen noodles?: noooo
Do you get chronic heartburn?: didn't i already give you my opinion on this?
Do you like country music?: noooo
How about Old Country Buffet?: what? buffet? food? probably.
Do you bite your nails?: when they break
Do you have chapped lips?: no, i have a lipgloss collection
What is your favorite song?: just to piss you off, i'll give a different answer: open book (cake)
Do you have a favorite Christmas song?: sleeps judea fair
Do you paint your toenails?: when my toenails and i have nothing better to do
What is the best ! book you've ever read for school?: great expectations, utopia, maurice, trumpet, a brief history of shadow, the devil's arithmetic
Do you enjoy reading?: see above
Would you rather watch tv than read?: no...unless it's 24. and even then, no.
Do you like it better inside or outside?: both
Do you enjoy showering?: yes
What color is your garbage can?: tweed
Do you read magazines?: what? in french sometimes
Do you enjoy Star Wars?: YES
Do you have freckles?: i have beauty marks
How about scars? Any good ones?: yes, feet, arms, knees, etc. the best one's on my foot from when i was two and jumped into the water onto a broken rusty pipe
Yeah? How\'d you get them?: go away
Have you ever been to another country?: another country from where?
Do you enjoy the rain?: when i am inappropriately dressed
Are you afraid of lightening?: no
Do your hands get really pruney after you get out of the pool?: don't everybody's?
Do you enjoy Family Guy?: not at all
What is your favorite vegetable?: chocolate
Do you eat broccoli?: if forced
Do you still get growing pains? Like actually bone pain?: not since my ears stopped growing last week
Do you enjoy pinecones?: as weapons they are very useful
What would you change about your life right now?: i would like some whipped cream right now
Does your nose get dry in the winter time?: no, it takes a vacation in majorca
Do you sunburn easily?: i got 2nd degree burns on my legs this summer. after 2 hours.
What is your favorite Disney movie?: is finding nemo disney?
Have you been to D-World?: d world? no.
Do you like it there?: why don't you leeeeeesten to me?
How old are you?: old
Do you enjoy Kelly Clarkson?: NO
Do you spell correctly?: yes
Do you use internet slang like "lol"?: occasionally while on the internet
Are you dumb?: about several things, very
What is your weakness?: people with eyes
Favorite food?: i'm noticing a certain obsessive repetition here...
Favorite animal?: cats, dolphins, gibbons
Favorite body part?: lips
Do you enjoy pornography?: nope.
Do you burn popcorn frequently?: only when distracted by hotties
Are you in love?: frequently
Do you have a secret you have never shared with anybody?: no, but i just made one up
What is the meaning of life?: 42
What does love mean?: frequently asked questions
Do you believe in love at first sight?: parfois
Do you enjoy reading tabloids?: yes, i must admit to a penchant for drama that is not my own
Do you watch Oprah?: no. she does terrible things to my favorite books. like make them *popular*
What color towels do you have?: purple
What are your favorite shoes?: the ones that match sierra's--brown leather. i wear them every! day.
What is your mother's maiden name?: lake
Tell me, what in life are you certain about?: pointy ears
Do you enjoy Christmas?: very much. especially when played by denise richards. just kidding.
Which holiday is your favorite and why?: thanksgiving. because of the food. and christmas because of denise richards...i mean, family. no, really, i do.
Are you religious?: in the sense that my name is church, but not in many other senses
What do you believe in?: the moon, the ocean (i wrote oven...freudian?), bagel sandwiches
Do you believe in magic?: i am not a muggle
Do you believe in ghosts?: only the one that lives down the hall
Do you believe in Rod Stewart?: NO!!!
Do you have a lot of friends?: they live in my head. yes.
Do you trust your friends?: yes.
What is your favorite ice cream?: pumpkin
Do you want to have kids?: asap
How many, and do you know any names?: too many
Do you want to get married?: if i'm really tired
If so, where?: underwater
Why?: because i'm a naiad, ok?
Do you pluck your eyebrows?: no
Do you wear mascara?: when i don't rub it off
Do you have a secret crush on somebody?: go away
Have you ever cheated on somebody?: yes please
Have you ever had surgery?: yes please
What is your favorite type of soda?: occasionally
Favorite drink?: coffee
Favorite color?: scre...i mean, blue
Who is your role model?: madmartigan
Do you like to color?: only outside
Do you enjoy salsa con queso?: when very spicy
Have you ever been to your state's fair?: my state has a fair?
What is your favorite screen name you've ever had?: elorasilver03
Approx. how many screen names have you had?: 6ish
Do you like instant messenger?: no. it is evil.
Do you like email?: yes
Would you rather talk on the phone,! email, im, or physically see somebody?: is there anyone who would actually answer anything but physically see somebody?
Have you ever had a farmer's tan?: no, i don't steal tans from people. that's mean.
Have you ever golfed?: ew
What is your favorite sport?: anything involving champagne
Favorite type of candy?: anything involving champagne
Vanilla or Chocolate?: pigeons
Do you enjoy Will Ferrell?: no, but your mom does
SNL or Mad TV?: neither. is this over yet?
How old are you in dog years?: umm...i am 140 in cat years, that's gotta count for something
Eye color?: blue or grey (or green if you want to listen to axel)
Ear color?: purple. and pointy. can't you see?
Hair color?: red
Do you even have hair?: oops, no, you got me!
Do you have a moustache?: only when i'm beside myself
Do you wish you had a moustache?: you think i like being beside myself?
What are you wearing?: clothes, sucker
What color underwear are you wearing?: burgundy
Are you lying?: as usual
Does your head itch?: not until you asked that
How about now? Does it itch now that I said something?: you suck
What is your favorite type of cheese product?: camembert...and can we talk about how disturbed i am at the phrase 'cheese product'? call me a snob, but...
Why?: because it's stinky and delicious and terrible pour la santé and nobody will confiscate it at customs
What is your favorite song?: at the moment, don't die in me by mirah
Why is that your favorite song?: because someone i like gave it to me and it is a fabulous song
Do you have a middle name?: two, in fact
What is your middle name?: laura and southworth
What do you wish your name was?: razel froorting hutchinson III
What would you name a pet iguana if i gave it to you right now?: penelope
What is your favorite food?: cream. in all forms.
Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?: i participate in it regularly! of course i believe in it, you doubting thomas.
Where would you like to be right now?: at home at the piano
Who is your favorite musical artist?: bach
Do you get chronic heartburn?: heartburn? i've never really gotten why it's called heartburn...don't you think heartburn would be a more appropriate name for, say, the feeling you get when dumped? then yes.
Have you seen predator?: yes....ew to arnold
Do you know any good Arnold lines?: why do you read my mind, sicko?
Oh really? Well, let's hear them then.: no.
Hmm. I have better. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: nope
Have you ever seen Karate Kid?: nope, thank goodness
Do you have any favorite movie quotes?: many.
Do you know what a donkey punch is?: i'm pretty sure
Yeah I bet. Do you enjoy Ramen noodles?: noooo
Do you get chronic heartburn?: didn't i already give you my opinion on this?
Do you like country music?: noooo
How about Old Country Buffet?: what? buffet? food? probably.
Do you bite your nails?: when they break
Do you have chapped lips?: no, i have a lipgloss collection
What is your favorite song?: just to piss you off, i'll give a different answer: open book (cake)
Do you have a favorite Christmas song?: sleeps judea fair
Do you paint your toenails?: when my toenails and i have nothing better to do
What is the best ! book you've ever read for school?: great expectations, utopia, maurice, trumpet, a brief history of shadow, the devil's arithmetic
Do you enjoy reading?: see above
Would you rather watch tv than read?: no...unless it's 24. and even then, no.
Do you like it better inside or outside?: both
Do you enjoy showering?: yes
What color is your garbage can?: tweed
Do you read magazines?: what? in french sometimes
Do you enjoy Star Wars?: YES
Do you have freckles?: i have beauty marks
How about scars? Any good ones?: yes, feet, arms, knees, etc. the best one's on my foot from when i was two and jumped into the water onto a broken rusty pipe
Yeah? How\'d you get them?: go away
Have you ever been to another country?: another country from where?
Do you enjoy the rain?: when i am inappropriately dressed
Are you afraid of lightening?: no
Do your hands get really pruney after you get out of the pool?: don't everybody's?
Do you enjoy Family Guy?: not at all
What is your favorite vegetable?: chocolate
Do you eat broccoli?: if forced
Do you still get growing pains? Like actually bone pain?: not since my ears stopped growing last week
Do you enjoy pinecones?: as weapons they are very useful
What would you change about your life right now?: i would like some whipped cream right now
Does your nose get dry in the winter time?: no, it takes a vacation in majorca
Do you sunburn easily?: i got 2nd degree burns on my legs this summer. after 2 hours.
What is your favorite Disney movie?: is finding nemo disney?
Have you been to D-World?: d world? no.
Do you like it there?: why don't you leeeeeesten to me?
How old are you?: old
Do you enjoy Kelly Clarkson?: NO
Do you spell correctly?: yes
Do you use internet slang like "lol"?: occasionally while on the internet
Are you dumb?: about several things, very
What is your weakness?: people with eyes
Favorite food?: i'm noticing a certain obsessive repetition here...
Favorite animal?: cats, dolphins, gibbons
Favorite body part?: lips
Do you enjoy pornography?: nope.
Do you burn popcorn frequently?: only when distracted by hotties
Are you in love?: frequently
Do you have a secret you have never shared with anybody?: no, but i just made one up
What is the meaning of life?: 42
What does love mean?: frequently asked questions
Do you believe in love at first sight?: parfois
Do you enjoy reading tabloids?: yes, i must admit to a penchant for drama that is not my own
Do you watch Oprah?: no. she does terrible things to my favorite books. like make them *popular*
What color towels do you have?: purple
What are your favorite shoes?: the ones that match sierra's--brown leather. i wear them every! day.
What is your mother's maiden name?: lake
Tell me, what in life are you certain about?: pointy ears
Do you enjoy Christmas?: very much. especially when played by denise richards. just kidding.
Which holiday is your favorite and why?: thanksgiving. because of the food. and christmas because of denise richards...i mean, family. no, really, i do.
Are you religious?: in the sense that my name is church, but not in many other senses
What do you believe in?: the moon, the ocean (i wrote oven...freudian?), bagel sandwiches
Do you believe in magic?: i am not a muggle
Do you believe in ghosts?: only the one that lives down the hall
Do you believe in Rod Stewart?: NO!!!
Do you have a lot of friends?: they live in my head. yes.
Do you trust your friends?: yes.
What is your favorite ice cream?: pumpkin
Do you want to have kids?: asap
How many, and do you know any names?: too many
Do you want to get married?: if i'm really tired
If so, where?: underwater
Why?: because i'm a naiad, ok?
Do you pluck your eyebrows?: no
Do you wear mascara?: when i don't rub it off
Do you have a secret crush on somebody?: go away
Have you ever cheated on somebody?: yes please
Have you ever had surgery?: yes please
What is your favorite type of soda?: occasionally
Favorite drink?: coffee
Favorite color?: scre...i mean, blue
Who is your role model?: madmartigan
Do you like to color?: only outside
Do you enjoy salsa con queso?: when very spicy
Have you ever been to your state's fair?: my state has a fair?
What is your favorite screen name you've ever had?: elorasilver03
Approx. how many screen names have you had?: 6ish
Do you like instant messenger?: no. it is evil.
Do you like email?: yes
Would you rather talk on the phone,! email, im, or physically see somebody?: is there anyone who would actually answer anything but physically see somebody?
Have you ever had a farmer's tan?: no, i don't steal tans from people. that's mean.
Have you ever golfed?: ew
What is your favorite sport?: anything involving champagne
Favorite type of candy?: anything involving champagne
Vanilla or Chocolate?: pigeons
Do you enjoy Will Ferrell?: no, but your mom does
SNL or Mad TV?: neither. is this over yet?
"don't die in me" by mirah was totally my song this past fall.
i like that we're music twins. :)
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