Friday, February 03, 2006


i should be in bed. i can't sleep though, maybe cuz i just had a lot of coffee with erina...
that was silly.
had some interesting discussions about poetry today, with friends and in class. fun! one notable quotation: "poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotion recollected in tranquillity" (wordsworth)...i thought it was interesting. i have way more to say but now i am tired and i want to read.

anyway, let's cross our fingers for many things, guys...


Blogger neongolden said...

i HATED that wordsworth quote. i went on a big tirade in the middle of Methods about how it was a lie and wordsworth was full of shit--at which point Michael Tratner told me I was a "romantic beyond wordsworth."

i wrote most of it out in my old blog... but you have to log in to read it, since everything old is hidden from public view--for reasons i'll explain some other time (but you can probably guess why).

2:46 PM  

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