Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Not Jealousy

Of the seven deadly sins, only envy is no fun at all. Sloth may not seem much fun, nor anger either, but giving way to deep laziness has its pleasures and the expression of anger entails a release that is not without its small delights. In recompense, envy may be the subtlest--perhaps I should say the most insidious--of the seven deadly sins. Surely it is the one that people are least likely to want to own up to, for to do so is to admit that one is probably ungenerous, mean, small-hearted. It may also be the most endemic.

-Joseph Epstein

Thursday, March 23, 2006

again, i steal from alex...i swear i'm not stalking you, princess : P

Put your music on random. Answer the questions with the song title.

1. How does the world see you? the ghost of a good thing (dashboard confessional) (and that's...really sad)

2. Will I have a happy life? leavin on a jet plane (the s-chords version)

3. What do my friends think of me? war (mos def) (??)

4. Do people secretly lust after me? two days in february (goo goo dolls)

5. How can I make myself happy? metal heart (garbage) (i dunno...)

6. What should I do with my life? you can leave your hat on (again, the s-chords version) LOL

7. Will I ever have children? oh, darling (the beatles) (i'll take that as a yes)

8. What is some good advice for me? tomorrow never knows (the beatles)

9. How will I be remembered? she's got her ticket (tracy chapman) (strangely appropriate)

10. What's my signature dancing song? let's get it on (maceo parker version)...lol

11. What's my current theme song? she'll come back to me (cake) (oh denial)

12. What do others think is my current theme song? no one is alone (into the woods soundtrack)

13. What shall they play at my funeral? beautiful life (ace of base) (now that's just mean...)

14. What type of men do I like? not hot to trot (von iva) [and now one for the ladies:] shadow boxer (fiona apple) (oh so sadly appropriate)

15. How's my love life? je ne t'aime plus (manu chao) (......)

Friday, March 17, 2006

oooh, i steal from alex again!

please tell me about myself:

: )

grr...i can't get it to make a link. sigh.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

ok, time to go home now.

Monday, March 13, 2006


it is so warm today!!! it is 80 degrees and feels like spring. this makes life in its entirety six billion times better. spring fever is something that seems to affect me very strongly. i love it. yay! now if only they weren't predicting snow for thursday night, things would be perfect. but oh well. this proves that spring will come one way or another. hurrah. and now for some silly surveys:

Ten Things About You
1:i like to make faces
2:i used to be blonde
3:my arms hurt from lifting platforms all afternoon
4:i do not like anthropology
5:i just realized that i should fix my lantern
6:i am trying to figure out what a resume should look like
7:i am obsessed with 24 and more specifically reiko aylesworth
8:i really love the movie crash
9:my calendar keeps falling off the wall
10:i miss amelia.
Nine Things You Love
1:paintings and drawings
4:grape soda
6:my sparkly blue shoes
Eight Songs You Love
1:mount saint helen's (mirah)
2:waiting (cake)
3:for my lover (tracy chapman)
4:raindrops keep falling on my head (bj thomas)
5:for no one (the beatles)
6:smells like teen spirit (nirvana)
7:shh (frou frou)
8:clark gable (postal service)
Seven Things You Wear Daily
3:a bra...sometimes
7:a shirt. i would hope
Six Things That Make You Smile
1:talking to sierra : )
2:getting drunken emails from flem
3:text messages
4:beth picking me up in the middle of erdman
5:a well-written story
6:being at home and getting along with everyone
Five Things You're Looking Forward To
1:our tregynon reunion this weekend
2:going to dunkin donuts with erina
3:hearing from d, who has disappeared off the face of the earth...!!
4:taking a shower so i am no longer gross
Four Things You're Scared Of
3:loss of control, apparently
Three Things That Annoy You
1:when people make fun of me for my music
2:spawn bauer
Two Of Your Favorite Books
1:i capture the castle (dodie smith)
2:ahab's wife (sena jeter naslund)
One Thing You Can't Live Without
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

Friday, March 10, 2006

not a very witty title.

so this week has been a reunion extravaganza...

friday i saw rete. and saturday. and i hadn't seen him in over a year, so that was cool...sunday and monday we worked a lot, and tuesday i saw amelia. which was heartbreaking, which i should have anticipated. wednesday i saw dante which was wonderful as always, and then after recording i went to harvard and saw nathalie (who i met in france with mer), which was also awesome. today i was supposed to go out to breakfast with holly, but i was too tired and anticipating the 8 hours of recording was far too daunting...

really, it's been an ok week though very far from relaxing, and i am very glad to be going home to be with people who do not have complicated sorts of relationships with me, and i am REALLY looking forward to not thinking about people for whom i have a very complicated sort of love...

i wish this week would last a little longer so i could spend more time at home with the kitties and the piano and mama and papa and tor. but you can't have everything, and hopefully the cd will make up for the amounts of hard work we've done during our only break all semester.

missing everyone.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

this is so odd

i hurt. all over. and i need hugs. my throat is evil because of just the 5 hours of singing, so god knows what it'll be like after 10 hours tomorrow...

sigh. my criteria are proving true. this is probably not the best plan ever.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

oh surveys...

That Called You?: dante
That Text You?: ada
That IMed You?: sierra
You Yelled At?: mer, i think...well, yelled of sorts
You Hugged?: mariah
You Kissed?: c.r.
That Broke Ur Heart?: no comment.
That You Laughed At?: at? karyn, probably. she was making faces during lion sleeps tonight
Went Shopping With?: hmm...sierra
Slept At There House?: d.?
To Disappoint You?: amelia...well, really myself
To Ask You Out?: ask me out?? oh dear...it was a long time ago. could it possibly have been as long ago as shannon? i don\'t really have dates per se.
To Brighten Your Day?: my friends all brighten my days. but i think mariah hugging me spontaneously was cool : )
That You Were Sad About?: amelia
You Saw A Movie With?: d.
You Called?: sierra
You Saw?: dena
You Cried Over?: amelia
You Were Mad At?: myself
You Couldnt Take Your Eyes Off?: this danc! er in the show i was working on...she is so beautiful. oh, and michelle. i mean, reiko. i mean...i am a dork.

LAST PERSON brought to you by Bzoink - Fill it out!

very emo day

women suck.

papers for anthro are evil (and apparently very bad).

and if it blizzards tomorrow i will not get to boston, or if i do the driving will be extremely stressful (though i won't be driving, obviously)...

so. my brain is joining my stomach and my back in their conversion to the republican party (not on purpose, it's just getting sucked in). and possibly my throat too...which is great considering we're going to be singing 4-12 hours a day this whole week.


i know what's happening...

my stomach has decided to join the republican party and is therefore no longer comfortable living in the extremely liberal environment of me. and guess what? i feel that my back may soon be joining in this conversion. grr.

also, there's nothing like writing a poem in the style of the poet you're writing an analytical paper about instead of actually writing said paper. especially when you can use the words "sexual encounter", "insane" and "smarmy" in that paper. especially when you probably shouldn't but you do anyway because it is 1 in the morning.

wow, obviously i need to stop with the drugs. hehe.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

frosh, stomachs, and no more reiko

