Friday, December 08, 2006

ok, this is stolen from both alex and rachel

1. I've come to realize that my ex... is always the same person in different bodies

2. I am listening to... water running REALLY LOUDLY in the photolab, since intro-ers are developing film. badly.

3. I talk... too quietly, i was told yesterday

4. I love... my goofball. and lots of other people.

5. My friends are... very far away.

6. My first real kiss... bore repeating....and repeating and repeating.

7. I lost my virginity... on a sunday morning

8. I hate it when people... are ignorant and closed-minded. or drive STUPIDLY. i have the biggest case of roadrage in the history of ever. but at least i obey traffic laws.

9. Love is... sometimes not as evil as i thought.

10. Marriage is... something that is happening a lot in my family recently!

11. Somewhere, someone is... waiting for meeeee....sings the insane child.

12. I'll always... be hungry. and cranky in the morning.

13. I have a secret crush on... steve buscemi.

14. The last time I cried was... three days ago when i became paranoid that i had a terrible disease.

15. My cell phone... has almost no battery left

16. When I woke up this morning... i yelled at my mom and was late for a meeting.

17. Before I go to sleep at night... i wish i had a bigger bed. and company.

18. Right now I am thinking about... how i have to go straight from this job to my other job and i haven't eaten all day.

19. Babies are... necessary in my life.

20. I get on MySpace... to stalk silly boys i meet at castparties

21. Today I... got up way too early, drove the 35 minutes to school in an hour and ten minutes since it was icy and the merritt was backed up, went to a meeting where i was totally useless, printed stuff with jeff (boss/friend), went to class, went to print photos of my brother, worked at open lab.

22. Tonight I will... go to the folio poetry reading where i will hang artwork and sit and listen to people talk. and then i will probably go to a bar. hee!

23. Tomorrow I will... go to mama's makeup party, go to the yale art gallery to write my paper, work on two stories, go to school and print photos, and then see the goofball.

24. I really want... school to be OVER already. and to buy this stupid plane ticket...


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