Saturday, December 02, 2006

i steal things from la princesse. all the time.



So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

Opening Credits:
here is gone--goo goo dolls
ok. i guess. it's kinda depressing...

Waking up:
mortal city--dar williams
well that would be nice to wake up to, but that is also extremely depressing.

First Day at Highschool:
walking on the moon--the police
well, it did feel sort of surreal.

Falling In Love:
goodnight and go--imogen heap
heh. apparently i am a stalker? we knew this i think.

Fight Song:
tower warders, under orders--yeomen of the guard (gilbert and sullivan)
umm...this doesn't really have anything to do with anything as it is gilbert and sullivan.
hit again, i have found:
fever--kylie minogue
i don't think i have ever even listened to this song--but it sounds like it could be fight-ish.

Breaking Up:
thinking about you--radiohead
"But I'm still no one
And you're my star
What do you care?"


america--tracy chapman
well, i got made fun of for going with one of my friends instead of going with a boy i hated...but meh.

take it from me--the weepies
i seem to get this song every time i put my itunes on random, and i absolutely love it. the lyrics are on my facebook i'd say that works.

Mental Breakdown:
well, it sounds pretty sane to me--but then again, maybe i'll have a mental breakdown and move there. it is about people fighting despite what they were supposed to learn from...something or other. hm.

no other love--heart
hm. another one i haven't listened to. it's not very good to sing along with...probably not

ecstasy--rusted root
it could be a flashback to freshman year maybe.

Getting Back Together:
nice to know you--incubus
wow, this is incredibly appropriate.

beautiful life--ace of base
heehee!! i hope that's how i feel at my wedding.

Birth of Child:
evil angel--rufus wainwright
uh oh. "my depth of sorrow" ???

Final Battle:
i could see this being an eerie battle scene between me and some kind of huge mythical beast with lots of legs in the fog in slow-motion...because clearly that will be the way i go.

Death Scene:
hehe. it's giving orders as to how to apparently i need to stand up straight as i die. this doesn't seem fair.

Funeral Song:
i'm in love with a wonderful guy--south pacific (rogers and hammerstein)
that's kind of mean! and pretty pathetic.

End Credits:
california dreaming--the mamas and the papas
well, this sounds good for credits, though i've never been to california.


Blogger Narg said...

Clearly it's a sign that you must come to california...

some pretty awesome people live in california you know.

6:39 AM  

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