Wednesday, August 16, 2006

confined to meriden

i stole this from rachel. hugs!

So far in 06 have you...

1. Have you had more than 5 different boyfriends/girlfriends?
no...just the one.

2. Have you had your birthday?:
not yet! only 76 days to go.

3. Been to church?:
a couple of times to sing in the choir

4. Cried yet?
i cry during pretty much every movie i watch...that includes monsters, inc. so yes.

5. Had someone close to you pass away?
well a woman i used to sing with died, and one of my great aunts.

6. Pulled an all nighter?

7. Drank starbucks?:
last thursday i spent 3 hours in starbucks!

8. Went shopping?:
i buy something most days. which is bad.

9. Been camping?: is on the list of things to do though.

10.Been to the beach?
for one fantastic day, yes. also, i'm going back on tuesday.

11. Bought something for over $200
i just bought plane tickets for florida, and also earlier i paid for my class. and paid back mama for part of my computer. and bought photo supplies. and i wonder why i'm broke now...?

12. Met someone new?:
a ton of new people...very exciting new people.

13. Been out of state?
i've been in...let's see...6 or 7 states.

14. Gone Snowboarding?
No. i have things against snow boards ever since one collided with my spine last year at high speed.

[[Have You Ever...]]

1. Kissed someone??:
hehe. many someones.

2. Slept in someone elses bed?
yes, though not since school.

3. Snuck someone over?
i don't have to sneak--my parents are v. relaxed about that sort of thing.

4. Snuck out of your own house?

5. Been to a bar?
yup! i've even been in the states now, though i technically shouldn't have been.

6. Lied?
i have a really hard time lying.

7. Gotten a car?
nope...mama and papa inherited (well, bought) my grandmother's when she died last year, but that was 05.

8. Gone over your cell phone bill?

9. Been called a whore?
not since highschool. which is weird.

10. Drove somewhere?:
many places, often at 3:30 in the morning.

11. Done something you regret?
i really shouldn't have eaten all those airheads.


Last Thing you bought?
my medicine.

Last Person you hugged?
my sister, even though we were fighting.

Last Person you kissed?
my boy.

Last Person to call you?
my aunt

Last time you took a bath?
haven't taken a bath since france, so december.

When was the last time you felt stupid?
i always feel stupid.

Last time you walked/ran a mile?
sometime in the city.

Who was the last person who saw you cry?
mama, and my doctor who wouldn't let me take my medicine.

Who was the last person who made you cry?
my kidneys. though they are not people. otherwise, tory.

Who was the last person who you watched a movie with?
papa and i watched grey's anatomy last night. he cried.

Who was the last person you danced with? new cousin!! and by that i mean my cousin's new wife, at their wedding.

Who did you last yell at?
my sister.

What did you do today?
so far i have: taken a shower, gone to the chiropractor, spoonfed the sick kitten, taken three kinds of medication, emailed various people, eaten yoghurt, read parts of the newspaper, and stolen bites of the pie i made last night. and it's only 10 am!


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