Thursday, May 18, 2006

home again (again)

i didn't post much during exams, for obvious reasons...i was staying away from all computers to avoid even being tempted to do work. it was a good week for some things--sierra's garden party was fun, as was the wonderfully frozen skinny-dipping party shortly thereafter.
i decided to leave early sunday morning to surprise mama and tory at my grandparents' house, and so i did--i left round 9 and got there at noonish...and it was definitely worth it, because mama was super-surprised and happy that i was there. :) noni and gogi were very good at hiding me.
so i am home. and this week i have done very little. it's quite relaxing, not surprisingly. i got one of my final papers back already! i have been thwarted by various health forms and other university procedures, but other than that my prospects for the summer and the fall are looking good. i am going to miss lots of you mawrters, but at least this time i'll be able to visit a lot more than i could from paris!
i've met some fun people, most of whom are mama's friends who will (i hope) be mine also soon. and we're all mostly getting along at home so far, if only because there is usually only one person here at a time. the cats get very lonely during the long school days!
anyway, this is miraculously boring (is that even possible?) so i will go hide in a corner of my dark and lonely room because no one is home but me and it is dark and scary and dark and lonely and dark. and mostly dark. but mama will be home soon...? i am freaking myself out. meep. and eep. and goodnight, i am going to go call someone who can talk my head back onto my shoulders.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

home again

i went home yesterday after deciding i could do absolutely no work whatsoever at i am here, posting on my blog and creating a southern facebook account. of course. though i am also theoretically writing my application for the art editor of the lit mag here, which is a paid position (yay!). and also i should be studying, or writing some of the 15 pages i have to hand in by friday the 12th. meh!
facebook is much more interesting.
it was good to be home last night, even if we were really late--we were of course greeted by dozing papa and four frantically adoring kitties. lille practically jumped on me and was purring for about half an hour. it was good to sleep in my (really comfy) bed and good to be able to find all my clothes i left behind in january...except that i remembered that i had no pants at home because i have them all at school. so i stole mama's new jeans.
wow, this is a boring and mundane post, but it was really nice to just be at home in the clutter with the cats and my wacky family. we had biscuits and tea last night. and tory was ocd about the kinds of bread we were or were not permitted to eat...of course :)
and getting up at 5:30 this morning was actually quite nice, especially since the day seems so long when you get up early. and papa made us all coffee and scrambled eggs with cheese. yum...
ok i should really work now.