Friday, December 15, 2006

facebook procrastinations

Now longer and with more players!

Go to your Facebook wall and pick the last 14 people that wrote on your wall and write their names in the order they show up. If someone has written on your wall twice, skip to the next new person; don't repeat a name. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 14 people.

1. Meredith
2. Alex
3. Sara
4. Kate
5. David Aron
6. Melania
7. Rete
8. Danielle
9. Emily
10. Susannah
11. Shari
12. Greg
13. Lydia
14. Ada

Q. How did you meet 4?
- i met her at some folio event, though i don't remember which one.

Q. Something about 1?
- she likes the lizard lounge like meeee

Q. What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
- i would laugh a LOT because it would not happen

Q. Have you ever seen 10 cry?
- goodness yes

Q. How long have you known number 8?
- since september when we started fiction class together

Q. Would you date number 12?
- ew. no.

Q. What do you think about 7?
- i shall not go there...

Q. What would you do if 5 confessed they liked you?
- say "ha! too bad for you." but in a joking way. but i would mean it.

Q. Who does 9 date?
- i'm suddenly not remembering the name! i am a terrible friend :(

Q. What does 6 do for a living?
- she goes to bryn mawr

Q. Would you ever live with 11?
- god no.

Q. Is 2 single?
- as far as i know :)

Q. Where does 8 live?
- somewhere in connecticut

Q. What do you think about number 3?
- i love her dearly and we make an excellent team.

Q. Does number 1 pick her nose?
- i have no idea. this is a silly question!

Q. What's your best memory with number 2?
- sheeeeepies, la princesse, dictator stuff, drinking (sometimes) and skinnydipping every day for the first week of her freshman year. :)

Q. Best feature for number 7?
- the fact that he is 3000+ miles away from me.

Q. What do you think about 6?
- she is awesome and gives me chocolate things when i am sad.

Q. So is 14 the coolest person you know?
- she is indeed very cool.

Q. What do you and 13 do in your spare time together?
- we don't really have spare time together, since she barely has time to see tory! we did have a nice conversation in the parking lot yesterday though.

Q. Have you ever gotten in trouble with 9?
- heeehee. we are trouble, always. in a great way.

Q: Do you think 11 is pretty/handsome?
- she is very pretty!

Q: Have you ever kissed 7?
- oh more times than i can count

Q: Is 3 in a relationship?
- nope!

Q: What would you get 8 for their birthday?
- i don't think i know her well enough to get her a present, but if i did it would probably be a book of short stories.

Q: Have you ever been to 2's house?
- no, sadly. i want to remedy this!

Q: Do you live close to 10?
- no, she lives in scotland and new mexico and is thus very far :(

Q: Have you ever slept with 5?
- ew, no.

Q: How did you meet 6?
- we lived on denbigh second last year!

Q: Do you know 3's birthday?
- april 26th!

Q: What do you like about 12?
- he fed my ego for a while this that sounds bitchy.

Q: What's the next thing you'll do with 9?
- it will probably involve rainbow margaritas!

Q: Do you think 1 could kill someone?
- quite possibly ;)

Q: Has number 14 seen you naked?
- probably

Q: What is 8 afraid of?
- that a certain person from our class this semester will be in our class next semester...

Q: When is the last time you talked to number 11?
- freshman year of high school?

Q: Would 10 and 4 make a good couple?
- i'm pretty sure they're both straight

Q: Is 10 single?
- i believe so

Q: What's the last thing you did with 4?
- we talked at the folio thingy

Q: What's one fact about 13?
- she hurt her ankle

Q: Is 1 in a relationship?
- i think not

Q: Do you think 7 has a crush on you?
- i seriously hope and think not.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

melancholy quizlets

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::the beatles
Are you male or female::another girl
Describe yourself::i'm a loser
How do some people feel about you::i'm looking through you
How do you feel about yourself::devil in her heart
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::i forgot to remember to forget
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::you've got to hide your love away
Describe where you want to be::she's leaving home
Describe what you want to be::paperback writer
Describe how you live::eight days a week
Describe how you love::that'll be the day
Share a few words of wisdom:happiness is a warm gun
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::the weepies
Are you male or female::riga girls
Describe yourself::suicide blonde
How do some people feel about you::not your year
How do you feel about yourself::nobody knows me at all
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::love doesn't last too long
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::somebody loved
Describe where you want to be::vegas baby
Describe what you want to be::painting by chagall
Describe how you live::simple life
Describe how you love::gotta have you
Share a few words of wisdom:world spins madly on
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::peter mulvey
Are you male or female::girl in the hightops
Describe yourself::question mark
How do some people feel about you::the voice
How do you feel about yourself::tender blindspot
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::thorn
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::rapture
Describe where you want to be::the dreams
Describe what you want to be::the whole of the moon
Describe how you live::the trouble with poets
Describe how you love::every word except goodbye
Share a few words of wisdom:you meet the nicest people in your dreams
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Friday, December 08, 2006

ok, this is stolen from both alex and rachel

1. I've come to realize that my ex... is always the same person in different bodies

2. I am listening to... water running REALLY LOUDLY in the photolab, since intro-ers are developing film. badly.

3. I talk... too quietly, i was told yesterday

4. I love... my goofball. and lots of other people.

5. My friends are... very far away.

6. My first real kiss... bore repeating....and repeating and repeating.

7. I lost my virginity... on a sunday morning

8. I hate it when people... are ignorant and closed-minded. or drive STUPIDLY. i have the biggest case of roadrage in the history of ever. but at least i obey traffic laws.

9. Love is... sometimes not as evil as i thought.

10. Marriage is... something that is happening a lot in my family recently!

11. Somewhere, someone is... waiting for meeeee....sings the insane child.

12. I'll always... be hungry. and cranky in the morning.

13. I have a secret crush on... steve buscemi.

14. The last time I cried was... three days ago when i became paranoid that i had a terrible disease.

15. My cell phone... has almost no battery left

16. When I woke up this morning... i yelled at my mom and was late for a meeting.

17. Before I go to sleep at night... i wish i had a bigger bed. and company.

18. Right now I am thinking about... how i have to go straight from this job to my other job and i haven't eaten all day.

19. Babies are... necessary in my life.

20. I get on MySpace... to stalk silly boys i meet at castparties

21. Today I... got up way too early, drove the 35 minutes to school in an hour and ten minutes since it was icy and the merritt was backed up, went to a meeting where i was totally useless, printed stuff with jeff (boss/friend), went to class, went to print photos of my brother, worked at open lab.

22. Tonight I will... go to the folio poetry reading where i will hang artwork and sit and listen to people talk. and then i will probably go to a bar. hee!

23. Tomorrow I will... go to mama's makeup party, go to the yale art gallery to write my paper, work on two stories, go to school and print photos, and then see the goofball.

24. I really want... school to be OVER already. and to buy this stupid plane ticket...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

dear life,

please stop being so confusing.
i am confused. and befuddled. and very full of birthday food.
i got a pop-up developing tent thingy from siah and leila, so i can load my film in my room!! i don't have to wait until no one else is in the dark room at school.

so i guess since i haven't updated except for the quiz from alex since like august, i should probably do that. so:

-september: i started school. i worked on folio (lit mag) stuff. i rehearsed for pinafore. i didn't meet anyone at school. i developed a platonic crush on my awesome teacher.

-october: i rehearsed for pinafore. i got cast with simsbury light opera company as peep bo in the mikado (yay!). i performed pinafore (it went very well). i got midterm grades and found out that the only class i don't have an a in is photography...tragic.

-november: tory and i cried because pinafore was over. i slept a lot. i wrote lots of papers. i went to see rent in nyc which was completely amazing. i visited bmc. i turned 21! i made friends at school...well, 1 friend and several nice acquaintances. i hit the 5 month mark in my current relationship....eep.

-december: well, so far i have skipped school (only one class), had a birthday dinner of cheese fondue and pumpkin cheesecake, watched grey's anatomy, vanity fair, and x3, and had a very domestic evening with the boy where we fell asleep on the couch was sweet. generally the kind of thing that makes me sick when other people do it. apparently i am a hypocrite? those are the major events. nothing exciting is happening at the moment. life goes on in good ways and bad ways. i continue to be a terrible correspondent. i am learning how to be a good person.

i steal things from la princesse. all the time.



So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

Opening Credits:
here is gone--goo goo dolls
ok. i guess. it's kinda depressing...

Waking up:
mortal city--dar williams
well that would be nice to wake up to, but that is also extremely depressing.

First Day at Highschool:
walking on the moon--the police
well, it did feel sort of surreal.

Falling In Love:
goodnight and go--imogen heap
heh. apparently i am a stalker? we knew this i think.

Fight Song:
tower warders, under orders--yeomen of the guard (gilbert and sullivan)
umm...this doesn't really have anything to do with anything as it is gilbert and sullivan.
hit again, i have found:
fever--kylie minogue
i don't think i have ever even listened to this song--but it sounds like it could be fight-ish.

Breaking Up:
thinking about you--radiohead
"But I'm still no one
And you're my star
What do you care?"


america--tracy chapman
well, i got made fun of for going with one of my friends instead of going with a boy i hated...but meh.

take it from me--the weepies
i seem to get this song every time i put my itunes on random, and i absolutely love it. the lyrics are on my facebook i'd say that works.

Mental Breakdown:
well, it sounds pretty sane to me--but then again, maybe i'll have a mental breakdown and move there. it is about people fighting despite what they were supposed to learn from...something or other. hm.

no other love--heart
hm. another one i haven't listened to. it's not very good to sing along with...probably not

ecstasy--rusted root
it could be a flashback to freshman year maybe.

Getting Back Together:
nice to know you--incubus
wow, this is incredibly appropriate.

beautiful life--ace of base
heehee!! i hope that's how i feel at my wedding.

Birth of Child:
evil angel--rufus wainwright
uh oh. "my depth of sorrow" ???

Final Battle:
i could see this being an eerie battle scene between me and some kind of huge mythical beast with lots of legs in the fog in slow-motion...because clearly that will be the way i go.

Death Scene:
hehe. it's giving orders as to how to apparently i need to stand up straight as i die. this doesn't seem fair.

Funeral Song:
i'm in love with a wonderful guy--south pacific (rogers and hammerstein)
that's kind of mean! and pretty pathetic.

End Credits:
california dreaming--the mamas and the papas
well, this sounds good for credits, though i've never been to california.