Friday, February 17, 2006

blahdeeblah, apparently my titles are all nonsense

sometimes i am very confused as to why i do this to myself.
my voice is completely gone right now...
my brain is fried and i can't focus my eyes right.
but tomorrow i don't have to work, which is a plus for my sleep, though a sad minus for my wallet.
and i have wonderful people all around me. and i love them. and i have my computer, whose official name is "bitchelle," because i am that much of a dork. but also because she is (obviously) a woman, she is pretty and mysterious (and by that i mean i don't know how to keep her from hibernating), and she definitely had bitchface today when she couldn't decide if she was on or off. and also, she would totally survive a viral attack.
wow, ok, i really need to sleep because i'm not even making sense to myself, and that is tragic.


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