Monday, February 06, 2006

i'm in guild

and i should be doing work, but instead i am procrastinating. i saw sierra today and it was exciting. : ) i also saw bethany and merbear (obviously) and d. and alex and abby and beth. i went to work, which was good...i talked to kate--she is a frosh and she is awesome. we played with the marley floor and we had to reach under it and get the grit stuff. and kate dropped a mat knife on her arm and we had to dig around for the first aid kit. then it was dinner time with sierra and mer.
i have to write an article tonight and i can't think of what it should be about. because it has to be something non-bmc related because it's being workshopped...but it can't be something from too long ago because it has to be relevant. i just can't get my head around the topic. and my head feels kind of uncomfortable right now, as though it's been shaken around. which it kind of has, figuratively.
anyway, i should be doing stuff. sigh.
my words are all gone.


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