Tuesday, January 31, 2006

stolen from the king

1. Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006?
at sara's in lake ariel, PA

2. How did you get the idea for your livejournal name?
umm...i just thought of it. i was trying to be clever.

3. What time were you born?
5:37 pm

4. What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
only one by yellowcard

5. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
*hides*...i cried when a character played by my favorite celebrity died.

6. What color underwear are you wearing?

7. Do you want a baby?

8. What did you do this morning?
i did my anthro reading, and had some coffee. and then i went to class. and took notes.

9. What does your dad do for a living?
he's the editorial page editor for our town newspaper

10. What ended your last relationship(s)?
meh...life? the fact that i moved 3000 miles away?

11. Do you have a date for Valentines?
yep, in the form of a five page essay

12. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number?
36 or 50 or 57

13. What was the last concert you attended?
let's see...possibly something corporate at college day on the parkway in fall 2004? or maybe alix olson at the point...i don't remember which is more recent.

14. Who was with you? at the sweet concert?
something corporate: meredith and later caroline. alix olson: bethany, kate stein, and later elle

15. What was the last movie you watched?
24 with sierra

16. Who do you dislike at the moment?
the people who burned the last disc of season 3 of 24 because it doesn't work...by that i mean amazon.com, probably.

17. What food do you crave right now?

18. Did you dream last night?
i did, actually. there was a leather jacket that was a really ugly color. it was odd.

19. What was the last TV show you watched?
24. clearly.

20. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
i have so many--all my amber ones, for starters.

21. What was the last thing you ate?
chicken and a piece of abby's cookie

22. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
gabriel, probably.

23. Write a song lyric that's in your head?
The stars so far stay up all night...

24. Are you on any meds?

25. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
towards the wall. always.

26. What shirt are you wearing?
a stripey one from alex. it's pretty.

27. What is your favorite frozen treat?
really bad 'lime' popsicles with no redeeming fruity qualities.

28. How many tattoos/piercings do you have?
just the two in my ears...for the moment.

29. What's your favorite store?
anywhere they have books. or the fantastic umbrella factory

30. Are you thirsty right now?

31. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
if it comes up, perhaps.

32. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
my family, tons of people who left me for their real lives (ie who graduated or just went away and did realpeople things)

33. What did you do last night?
i dyed my hair, did homework, and watched some 24 with sierra. and hung out with crista and alex a bit.

34. Do you care what people think about you?
yes. i mostly want them not to notice me...

35. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
hehe...i dunno, generally not on purpose. sometimes i put catnip on watson's head so sherlock will attack him (in a loving and brotherly way, of course), but i don't think teasing the cats really counts.

36. What song(s) do you think exes listen to and think of you?
that's interesting. i think at least one of them avoids anything that might remind him of me, and the others probably have no specific songs...maybe 'barely breathing' by duncan sheik, and probably the soundtrack to a nightmare before christmas (loooong story...)

37. What song(s) do you listen to and think of exes?
barely breathing, mt st helen's by mirah, friend is a four-letter word, open book or anything else by cake, trip on love, tonight/not again. anything, essentially.

38. What is one thing you wish you were better at?
controlling my emotions.

39. What hurts you?
anything i touch...i am so talented at mishaps. and also, most people i like.

40. Do you like the person who posted this last?
of course...julia is my king, after all.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


why is it always so complicated?

(poetry is bad for me)

Thursday, January 26, 2006


reading to do so quickly...:

job search = somewhat promising
lusty cup application = half done
music reading test = to do ce soir
new years resolution = notsomuch working
being a good student = working much better
audition for midsummer = tuesday?
emily being gone = tragedy for me, though i'm confident she's having a blast
friends being wonderful = contented jules


Sunday, January 22, 2006


What is your name?: jules
How old are you in dog years?: umm...i am 140 in cat years, that's gotta count for something
Eye color?: blue or grey (or green if you want to listen to axel)
Ear color?: purple. and pointy. can't you see?
Hair color?: red
Do you even have hair?: oops, no, you got me!
Do you have a moustache?: only when i'm beside myself
Do you wish you had a moustache?: you think i like being beside myself?
What are you wearing?: clothes, sucker
What color underwear are you wearing?: burgundy
Are you lying?: as usual
Does your head itch?: not until you asked that
How about now? Does it itch now that I said something?: you suck
What is your favorite type of cheese product?: camembert...and can we talk about how disturbed i am at the phrase 'cheese product'? call me a snob, but...
Why?: because it's stinky and delicious and terrible pour la santé and nobody will confiscate it at customs
What is your favorite song?: at the moment, don't die in me by mirah
Why is that your favorite song?: because someone i like gave it to me and it is a fabulous song
Do you have a middle name?: two, in fact
What is your middle name?: laura and southworth
What do you wish your name was?: razel froorting hutchinson III
What would you name a pet iguana if i gave it to you right now?: penelope
What is your favorite food?: cream. in all forms.
Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?: i participate in it regularly! of course i believe in it, you doubting thomas.
Where would you like to be right now?: at home at the piano
Who is your favorite musical artist?: bach
Do you get chronic heartburn?: heartburn? i've never really gotten why it's called heartburn...don't you think heartburn would be a more appropriate name for, say, the feeling you get when dumped? then yes.
Have you seen predator?: yes....ew to arnold
Do you know any good Arnold lines?: why do you read my mind, sicko?
Oh really? Well, let's hear them then.: no.
Hmm. I have better. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: nope
Have you ever seen Karate Kid?: nope, thank goodness
Do you have any favorite movie quotes?: many.
Do you know what a donkey punch is?: i'm pretty sure
Yeah I bet. Do you enjoy Ramen noodles?: noooo
Do you get chronic heartburn?: didn't i already give you my opinion on this?
Do you like country music?: noooo
How about Old Country Buffet?: what? buffet? food? probably.
Do you bite your nails?: when they break
Do you have chapped lips?: no, i have a lipgloss collection
What is your favorite song?: just to piss you off, i'll give a different answer: open book (cake)
Do you have a favorite Christmas song?: sleeps judea fair
Do you paint your toenails?: when my toenails and i have nothing better to do
What is the best ! book you've ever read for school?: great expectations, utopia, maurice, trumpet, a brief history of shadow, the devil's arithmetic
Do you enjoy reading?: see above
Would you rather watch tv than read?: no...unless it's 24. and even then, no.
Do you like it better inside or outside?: both
Do you enjoy showering?: yes
What color is your garbage can?: tweed
Do you read magazines?: what? in french sometimes
Do you enjoy Star Wars?: YES
Do you have freckles?: i have beauty marks
How about scars? Any good ones?: yes, feet, arms, knees, etc. the best one's on my foot from when i was two and jumped into the water onto a broken rusty pipe
Yeah? How\'d you get them?: go away
Have you ever been to another country?: another country from where?
Do you enjoy the rain?: when i am inappropriately dressed
Are you afraid of lightening?: no
Do your hands get really pruney after you get out of the pool?: don't everybody's?
Do you enjoy Family Guy?: not at all
What is your favorite vegetable?: chocolate
Do you eat broccoli?: if forced
Do you still get growing pains? Like actually bone pain?: not since my ears stopped growing last week
Do you enjoy pinecones?: as weapons they are very useful
What would you change about your life right now?: i would like some whipped cream right now
Does your nose get dry in the winter time?: no, it takes a vacation in majorca
Do you sunburn easily?: i got 2nd degree burns on my legs this summer. after 2 hours.
What is your favorite Disney movie?: is finding nemo disney?
Have you been to D-World?: d world? no.
Do you like it there?: why don't you leeeeeesten to me?
How old are you?: old
Do you enjoy Kelly Clarkson?: NO
Do you spell correctly?: yes
Do you use internet slang like "lol"?: occasionally while on the internet
Are you dumb?: about several things, very
What is your weakness?: people with eyes
Favorite food?: i'm noticing a certain obsessive repetition here...
Favorite animal?: cats, dolphins, gibbons
Favorite body part?: lips
Do you enjoy pornography?: nope.
Do you burn popcorn frequently?: only when distracted by hotties
Are you in love?: frequently
Do you have a secret you have never shared with anybody?: no, but i just made one up
What is the meaning of life?: 42
What does love mean?: frequently asked questions
Do you believe in love at first sight?: parfois
Do you enjoy reading tabloids?: yes, i must admit to a penchant for drama that is not my own
Do you watch Oprah?: no. she does terrible things to my favorite books. like make them *popular*
What color towels do you have?: purple
What are your favorite shoes?: the ones that match sierra's--brown leather. i wear them every! day.
What is your mother's maiden name?: lake
Tell me, what in life are you certain about?: pointy ears
Do you enjoy Christmas?: very much. especially when played by denise richards. just kidding.
Which holiday is your favorite and why?: thanksgiving. because of the food. and christmas because of denise richards...i mean, family. no, really, i do.
Are you religious?: in the sense that my name is church, but not in many other senses
What do you believe in?: the moon, the ocean (i wrote oven...freudian?), bagel sandwiches
Do you believe in magic?: i am not a muggle
Do you believe in ghosts?: only the one that lives down the hall
Do you believe in Rod Stewart?: NO!!!
Do you have a lot of friends?: they live in my head. yes.
Do you trust your friends?: yes.
What is your favorite ice cream?: pumpkin
Do you want to have kids?: asap
How many, and do you know any names?: too many
Do you want to get married?: if i'm really tired
If so, where?: underwater
Why?: because i'm a naiad, ok?
Do you pluck your eyebrows?: no
Do you wear mascara?: when i don't rub it off
Do you have a secret crush on somebody?: go away
Have you ever cheated on somebody?: yes please
Have you ever had surgery?: yes please
What is your favorite type of soda?: occasionally
Favorite drink?: coffee
Favorite color?: scre...i mean, blue
Who is your role model?: madmartigan
Do you like to color?: only outside
Do you enjoy salsa con queso?: when very spicy
Have you ever been to your state's fair?: my state has a fair?
What is your favorite screen name you've ever had?: elorasilver03
Approx. how many screen names have you had?: 6ish
Do you like instant messenger?: no. it is evil.
Do you like email?: yes
Would you rather talk on the phone,! email, im, or physically see somebody?: is there anyone who would actually answer anything but physically see somebody?
Have you ever had a farmer's tan?: no, i don't steal tans from people. that's mean.
Have you ever golfed?: ew
What is your favorite sport?: anything involving champagne
Favorite type of candy?: anything involving champagne
Vanilla or Chocolate?: pigeons
Do you enjoy Will Ferrell?: no, but your mom does
SNL or Mad TV?: neither. is this over yet?

Saturday, January 21, 2006


yay for weekends at bmc. lll party was funfunfun, and i seem to be repeating things a lot. i am going to go to bed, tomorrow i will go running with bethany, then watch the l-word and do some homework maybe. but maybe that'll be sunday. i saw people tonight and they hugged me! they didn't ignore me...it was very nice.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


the perfect drug (you are)

academic confusion (i have)

lost in space (we all are)

stuck in my head (i've been)

tired of ignoring my conscience (i am)

grr, how emo...

and how yoda-esque

Monday, January 16, 2006


i am officially a mawrter again. it is so exciting to see everyone. mostly everyone, cause there are always those evil ones who've gone and graduated on me...
denbigh 221 is in the process of being set up--those who visited in 04 should know that mer and i switched sides--i'm in the corner one now. there's a sheep on the door, thanks to la princesse!
i have a meal plan, classes, extra-curriculars, and homework. i'm a real person again!!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

two things

1. denbigh 221 is once again a jerandmools domain! i will be there on saturday the 14th (hopefully in the early afternoon), so come visit right away.

2. i am in serious trouble with my 24 addiction. it is like heroin...i mean, i sit at dinner and think about it. it's bad. someone is going to have to steal my dvds if i am ever to get any work done...but i think i'm going to hate the 4th season anyway because my favorite couple is divorced. it is so sad that i care.

ok bed. come visit. in denbigh, not bed, i mean.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

i exist at school....

should i take an enormous double with its own bath in glenmede (with mer)? or go in another dorm? decisions, decisions...i need help making them.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

you're....quite the perceptionalist

(this was said by liz while very giggly from smoking somethingorother).

and that pretty much sums up my new year's eve, which included being picked up (literally, not as in hit on) by a marine i'd never met, being propositioned for a threesome with two guys, making "soup" out of champagne (that had been frozen then melted) and potato bread with a crazy kid called matt, being "interrupted" in various ways by various people which caused much giggling, making scallops and chicken while tipsy, kissing 2 people at midnight, having incredibly incriminating pictures taken of me while i was eating part of sara's candy bra, watching 'cursed' and screaming ever 5 minutes, having an intense dialogue about rachel weisz right before the ball dropped, cuddling with 11 other people all afternoon, thinking coffee was the best thing in the world, and bitching about fate playing with us at a mini taftie reunion in a freezing basement at 5 in the morning.

it was amazing.

happy 2006!!!