Tuesday, February 21, 2006

now that i have itunes

What Your Songs Say About You
Put Your iPod On Shuffle
Fist Song::be my baby (the ronettes)
Second Song::the very thought of you (billie holiday)
Thrid Song::she's all up above (mojave 3)
Fourth Song::remember me (journey)
Fifth Song::one of these things first (nick drake)
Sixth Song::love you madly (cake)
Seventh Song::lucky denver mint (jimmy eat world)
Eighth Song::talisman (air)
Ninth Song::cigarette (yellowcard)
Tenth Song::sad songs and waltzes (cake)
Now Let's Analyze
When Did You First Hear Song 3?::umm...i just downloaded it cause i liked the other mojave 3 alex gave me on a mix
Which Of Your Friends Does Song 9 Fit?::hehe...i dunno, probably just me
What Memory Does Song 6 Remind You Of?::oh goodness...november 27th 2004
Who Is Song 10 By?::cake
How Did You Come Across Song 5?::dante played it for me in the car on the way to new york once
Is Song 9 A Love Song?:um, a very depressing rip-your-heart-out love song, yes
Why Do You Like Song 1?::i love it. it's so cute. actually, i think we should sing it in lblue...
Is Song 7 A Good Make-Out Song?:meh
Which Song Is Best For You And Your Crush?::probably "the very thought of you," considering the amount of distraction it causes me
What Do Songs 4 and 8 Have In Common::they could both be considered nostalgic (at least, their titles could)
Do You Like Song 3 For It's Meaning?:yeah, as much as anything else
Is Song 6 A Song For Friends Or For Lovers?::probably lovers, though sometimes the line is a fine one.
Which Song Is Your Favorite?::probably love you madly. cake is fantastic.
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