Sunday, February 19, 2006

radioactive lobsters (or, julie gets mushy about why she loves her friends)

silliness is such a fabulous part of life, and if i didn't have it i think i would die.
but more seriously (or not), all of you are wonderful. wonderful wonderful wonderful and insane. which is the perfect combination.

so--this weekend...
which starts with thursday night, when i took a nap with julia before lblue. that was fun, except that we had to get up. then at lblue alex and i were fabulously lowvoiced--we made those low Ds look really good. then i went to bed...well, after talking to people online. fun things.

friday i slept, had lunch and fish called wanda fun with alex, and then went back to my room and found the merbear...right? didn't i? i don't remember. in any case, i kept sierra company for a bit while she cleaned her room, then watched half of un longue dimanche de fiancailles with bethany (yay cuddlepuddles!) and then went to play hangman and such with brooklyn, steph, jorge, mer, angel, gil and perrin before the a cappella concert which was *awesome*. then i watched the rest of un longue dimanche de fiancailles with bethany...and then i went home briefly before bundling up to go to brecon to watch secretary with alex f. and jessie and adina and amy. that was fun. :D

saturday i cleaned my room, hardcore...i also wrote to adri, talked to mama and papa, and hmm...cleaned some more. then mer came home and reminded me that we had tickets for hiroshi's show. so we trekked over to drexel with sky and erina, and met up with jorge and brooklyn. there was a fire alarm--and we aren't sure if it was part of the show or not, but we were out in the FREEEEZING cold for 15 minutes. the show was hilarious. when we got back we had chinese food and watched but i'm a cheerleader, then holly and i watched chasing amy. then i went to sleep.

this morning i had brunch with sierra, melika and bethany and we were loud and silly and we threw things at each other. and the quote of the day is definitely "give me a break, i'm a radioactive lobster!"

and i love my friends. and i miss my family. and i am not looking forward to writing 21 pages in the next 2 weeks.

the end.


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