Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?: oh hell yes
Toilet Paper someone\'s house: nope...what\'s the point?
Played Poker with money: yes. it wasn't my money though.
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt: no
been tickled so hard you couldn\'t talk: aaaaack, yes
like someone but never told them: story of my life, but i\'m so obvious they know anyway
went camping: yes
had a crush on your broher\'s friend: my brother\'s friend? well, when i was 3 i had a crush on my brother\'s friend rich (who was at least 18) because he looked like inigo montoya
walk in the rain without an umbrella: i don\'t believe in umbrellas
told a joke that NObody thought was funny: yes...sigh. and it was funny, too.
been in a talent show: yes. at church.
started laughing at someone\'s bedtime: umm...ok, probably
worn somthing your mom didn\'t appove of: yes! alix olson tshirt
been to a nude beach: accidentally, and not nude
drank jack daniels: yes...ew
cursed i! n a church: yup. and done many other things in a church...oh birthday parties...
been called a slut for kissing someone: yes. i slapped him. hard.
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner: i burn myself on everything
wanted to be a police officer: YES!!
dumped someone: yes
been hit on by someone too old: every day in the parisian metro
wanted to be a model: not really
bought lottery tickets: nope
made out in a car: yes
cried during a movie: i cry during previews. leave me alone!
wanted something you couldn't have: *snorts*
had sex on the beach: no, sadly. not yet, anyway...
had the drink sex on the beach: yes yes yess
seen someone shoplift: yup
hung up on someone: yesh
yelled at you pet: yes. when my kitty barfed on my pillow. when i yelled at him he just stared at me reproachfully
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy: yes
tried to strip when drunk: no, i\'m pretty good at keeping my clothes on (except when aided and abetted by others)
gotten s! easick: nope
had a stalker: yes...or at least, i'm convinced there's someone who stands in the passage outside my window...creeepy. but it may be just in my head.
played a prank on somone that had them really scared: no
been embarassed by one of your family: yes, when i was younger and hadn\'t realized how fucking awesome my family is
felt bad about eating meat: yes
protested: yaaaaay march for women\'s lives!!
been to an island: does england count?
been in love: sadly madly badly
ate jus because you were bored: all the time...it's called the solitary 16
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww": ...probably
Screamed in a library: yup
Made out with a stranger: yes
Been Dumped: sort of
Wished a part of you was different: wished all of me was different...
asked a guy to dance: yup
been asked out by a really hot guy: yup
laughe so hard ou cried: yes
went up to a complete stranger and started talking: not really mon genre
been sunburned: lol of course...damn pale english skin
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: no!
threw up in school: no...well, at bmc but it doesn\'t count
recieved an anonymous love letter: yes, but i knew who it was from
had to wear something you hated: yes--can we say toilet-brush sheep costume?
been to a luau: themed party, yes
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass: either that or throw my arms around her
cursed in front of your parents: yes
been in a commerical on tv: nope
watched a movie that made you miss your ex: ........
been out of the country: out of which country?
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk: yes
won at pool: occasionally
went to a party where you were the ony sober one: no, i\'m not too good at staying sober
went on a diet: yup
been lost out to sea: no
cheated on your bf: yes, and my gf too. at the same time.
been cheated on: debateably
tanned topless: noooooo
been attacked by seagulls: they wanted my damn sandwich!!
been ! searched in an airport: yes
been on a plane: obviously
been pants-ed: no
thown a shoe at someone: yes
broke someone's heart: not to my knowledge
sung in the shower: not recently, but always at home
bought something way too expensive: i just spent 48 euros on a turkey.
done something really stupid that you still laugh about: yes, or cringe about anyway
been walked in on when you were dressing: yeup
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie: no
been kicked out of the mall: nope
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back: yessss
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one: no, never had dentention
done something stupid when you were drunk: LOL
fell off your roof: no
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone: YES!
had a deer jump in fron of your car: no, thank goodness
threated someone witha water gun: of course
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge: why yes, yes i can
sing: someday i\'ll get my voice back
open your eyes underwater: i am a naiad
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: no...goddammit
ice skate: sort of
sing in front of a crowd: not by myself
whistle: yes
be a bitch at times: i\'ve been told that i am not bitchy enough
do thirty pull ups: no way in hell
walkin in really high heals: for a while
eat super spicy foods: yes, my tastebuds were shot off in the war
skateboard: no
sleep with the lights on: yes, if i\'m really tired
mulititask: not at all
touch your nose with your tounge: yes
fall asleep easily in the car: no
do the cotton eye joe: what?
play ddr and not fall: i hate ddr...there are so much better ways of making a fool of yourself when drunk
surf: never tried
fit in your locker: i don\'t have one, but probably not
do a split! : yes
taste the difference between pepsi and coke: i like to think so
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alt="Journeying Upgraded Lifeform Intended for Assassination and Nocturnal Exploration"