Tuesday, February 28, 2006


i think it's time to start being responsible, which probably will involve being a hermit.

leaving for boston on friday = very soon, and i will not have any money and it will be sad. but fun anyway. i hope.

anyway, it's time to take rose's advice and suck it up.

Monday, February 27, 2006

text message from heaven



now i am flutteryish...hm.

i think so

"...let's live like it's already spring."


Saturday, February 25, 2006

and wow

oh how i love hell week.

oh how i love bryn mawr.

oh how i love the world.

oh what a sap i am, and i don't care.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

ach, my brain

not home from 10 am till 11 pm is too long. perhaps i will disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow...and by that i mean, die a slow and painfully poetic death by e.e. cummings and HD.

or maybe i will beat my head against the wall, because according to erina's cousin it burns 150 calories an hour. and if i have a concussion i won't have to write my anthro paper.

dear wednesday,
why do you hate me so much?

ooh! or maybe i will go poke beth until she hits me. that will be productive...

of sorts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

now that i have itunes

What Your Songs Say About You
Put Your iPod On Shuffle
Fist Song::be my baby (the ronettes)
Second Song::the very thought of you (billie holiday)
Thrid Song::she's all up above (mojave 3)
Fourth Song::remember me (journey)
Fifth Song::one of these things first (nick drake)
Sixth Song::love you madly (cake)
Seventh Song::lucky denver mint (jimmy eat world)
Eighth Song::talisman (air)
Ninth Song::cigarette (yellowcard)
Tenth Song::sad songs and waltzes (cake)
Now Let's Analyze
When Did You First Hear Song 3?::umm...i just downloaded it cause i liked the other mojave 3 alex gave me on a mix
Which Of Your Friends Does Song 9 Fit?::hehe...i dunno, probably just me
What Memory Does Song 6 Remind You Of?::oh goodness...november 27th 2004
Who Is Song 10 By?::cake
How Did You Come Across Song 5?::dante played it for me in the car on the way to new york once
Is Song 9 A Love Song?:um, a very depressing rip-your-heart-out love song, yes
Why Do You Like Song 1?::i love it. it's so cute. actually, i think we should sing it in lblue...
Is Song 7 A Good Make-Out Song?:meh
Which Song Is Best For You And Your Crush?::probably "the very thought of you," considering the amount of distraction it causes me
What Do Songs 4 and 8 Have In Common::they could both be considered nostalgic (at least, their titles could)
Do You Like Song 3 For It's Meaning?:yeah, as much as anything else
Is Song 6 A Song For Friends Or For Lovers?::probably lovers, though sometimes the line is a fine one.
Which Song Is Your Favorite?::probably love you madly. cake is fantastic.
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You've been totally Bzoink*d


is finally affecting me. today, i win. it is so exciting. hurray.

now hopefully i can win at running sound for a dress rehearsal with music i've never heard, for dances i've never seen. well, it won't hurt to try.

yay. : )

Sunday, February 19, 2006

radioactive lobsters (or, julie gets mushy about why she loves her friends)

silliness is such a fabulous part of life, and if i didn't have it i think i would die.
but more seriously (or not), all of you are wonderful. wonderful wonderful wonderful and insane. which is the perfect combination.

so--this weekend...
which starts with thursday night, when i took a nap with julia before lblue. that was fun, except that we had to get up. then at lblue alex and i were fabulously lowvoiced--we made those low Ds look really good. then i went to bed...well, after talking to people online. fun things.

friday i slept, had lunch and fish called wanda fun with alex, and then went back to my room and found the merbear...right? didn't i? i don't remember. in any case, i kept sierra company for a bit while she cleaned her room, then watched half of un longue dimanche de fiancailles with bethany (yay cuddlepuddles!) and then went to play hangman and such with brooklyn, steph, jorge, mer, angel, gil and perrin before the a cappella concert which was *awesome*. then i watched the rest of un longue dimanche de fiancailles with bethany...and then i went home briefly before bundling up to go to brecon to watch secretary with alex f. and jessie and adina and amy. that was fun. :D

saturday i cleaned my room, hardcore...i also wrote to adri, talked to mama and papa, and hmm...cleaned some more. then mer came home and reminded me that we had tickets for hiroshi's show. so we trekked over to drexel with sky and erina, and met up with jorge and brooklyn. there was a fire alarm--and we aren't sure if it was part of the show or not, but we were out in the FREEEEZING cold for 15 minutes. the show was hilarious. when we got back we had chinese food and watched but i'm a cheerleader, then holly and i watched chasing amy. then i went to sleep.

this morning i had brunch with sierra, melika and bethany and we were loud and silly and we threw things at each other. and the quote of the day is definitely "give me a break, i'm a radioactive lobster!"

and i love my friends. and i miss my family. and i am not looking forward to writing 21 pages in the next 2 weeks.

the end.

Friday, February 17, 2006

blahdeeblah, apparently my titles are all nonsense

sometimes i am very confused as to why i do this to myself.
my voice is completely gone right now...
my brain is fried and i can't focus my eyes right.
but tomorrow i don't have to work, which is a plus for my sleep, though a sad minus for my wallet.
and i have wonderful people all around me. and i love them. and i have my computer, whose official name is "bitchelle," because i am that much of a dork. but also because she is (obviously) a woman, she is pretty and mysterious (and by that i mean i don't know how to keep her from hibernating), and she definitely had bitchface today when she couldn't decide if she was on or off. and also, she would totally survive a viral attack.
wow, ok, i really need to sleep because i'm not even making sense to myself, and that is tragic.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


i lose at planning, paperwriting, being an english major, controlling myself, and not falling asleep during chorale. gah.
but i do have a fantastic new computer.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Jules --


Benevolent to a fault

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Thursday, February 09, 2006

oh, les decisions mauvaises...

poetry paper = notsomuchdone

sleep = happened last night (at 4...progress!)

interest in working = entirely non-existant

going to anthro now. sigh. can it be 4 pm now?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


wow, it's 6:30 am and i am completely awake. i didn't sleep at all! and i'm not tired. this may be the result of all the caffeine...
tonight was fun--8ish i said goodbye to D., then i had long conversations with sierra and sara and oliver (yay! hadn't talked to them in forever!) over aim, and then i broke into guild (it's legal, don't worry--mer works there) with sky and erina and my wifey. at 1, erina and i went to dunkin donuts to get coffee. we came back at 2ish, then i wrote some letters (oh the procrastination is simply amaaaazing!) and then from 4-5ish i talked to beth on aim. which is funny, because we live about 100 feet from each other. : )
then i finally finished my paper. and it is 100 words too long, but it's damn good. i am kind of proud, actually.
i'm going to post it and then maybe i'll go to bed? or maybe i'll write some poetry. or do some more reading. because i'm really not tired!
the sun is rising out my window. it is beautiful.

and definitely much brighter.

oh good god

i cannot write this paper. i am having such a hard time with this and i can't figure out why...maybe because every part of my body is sore from stagecrew etc, or because my back is still screwed up, or because my head is still screwed up, or because i haven't absorbed the incredible range of emotions i've had in my system since saturday morning, or because i have just procrastinated one too many times...
or maybe it's because i jinxed myself today by telling i didn't believe in writer's block--oliver was talking about it and i believe that some people get it but i thought 'if i ever got it, it would just be pure laziness...'
so now i do not know what to write. and it is almost 4. fuck.
i still don't feel good and i want to go to sleep.
i'm sorry to be so whiny...i promise i will be more upbeat in the morning.

(everything looks brighter...)

Monday, February 06, 2006

i'm in guild

and i should be doing work, but instead i am procrastinating. i saw sierra today and it was exciting. : ) i also saw bethany and merbear (obviously) and d. and alex and abby and beth. i went to work, which was good...i talked to kate--she is a frosh and she is awesome. we played with the marley floor and we had to reach under it and get the grit out...fun stuff. and kate dropped a mat knife on her arm and we had to dig around for the first aid kit. then it was dinner time with sierra and mer.
i have to write an article tonight and i can't think of what it should be about. because it has to be something non-bmc related because it's being workshopped...but it can't be something from too long ago because it has to be relevant. i just can't get my head around the topic. and my head feels kind of uncomfortable right now, as though it's been shaken around. which it kind of has, figuratively.
anyway, i should be doing stuff. sigh.
my words are all gone.

that was

SUCH a bad plan.

Friday, February 03, 2006


i should be in bed. i can't sleep though, maybe cuz i just had a lot of coffee with erina...
that was silly.
had some interesting discussions about poetry today, with friends and in class. fun! one notable quotation: "poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotion recollected in tranquillity" (wordsworth)...i thought it was interesting. i have way more to say but now i am tired and i want to read.

anyway, let's cross our fingers for many things, guys...